
Showing posts from August, 2005

Orem Owlz Game

DSC00648 Originally uploaded by Grandma Boren . Last night we were treated to an Orem Owlz game by John and Marg Eldard. The Orem Owlz are a rookie team affiliated with the Anaheim Angels. The Owlz won and we had a great time. Noah loved the consessions. Emma brought her friend Al. Hootz, the mascot, even posed for a picture. We enjoyed the evening which was topped off with fireworks. Thanks John and Marg!


DSC00649 Originally uploaded by Grandma Boren .

Noah's Big Day

DSC00647 Originally uploaded by Grandma Boren . Noah turned fifteen and started high school all on the same day today. He really loved school and proceeded to tell me all about it when he arrived home on the bus. We went to Fortune Chinese Restaurant for dinner then came home for cake and presents. It was a wonderful day!

Noah's Winning Team

DSC00645 Originally uploaded by Grandma Boren . Today we had a YM/YW Super Saturday event at South Fork Park in Provo Canyon. The kids had several activities to build confidence and teamwork. This is Noah leading his team to victory. (This was much harder than it looks.)

Cowgirl Emma

DSC00602 Originally uploaded by Grandma Boren . This picture of Emma and "Sug" may be one of the last. Emma tells me that she is planning to sell her soon. One of their last events together may be the Utah State English Show this coming Monday and Tuesday. Emma is advertising Sugar for sale at the event. They should do well. Sugar loves to jump.

Birthday Cake

DSC00624 Originally uploaded by Grandma Boren . On July 27th Samantha had her first birthday. This is also her first taste of cake. She wasn't sure if she liked it. It didn't taste like her favorite broccoli. But she did have a happy birthday. Aunt Jodee, Jill, and Paige were with us to celebrate the day.

Emma & Samantha

DSC00598 Originally uploaded by Grandma Boren . Emma got to hold Tuttie one last time before Levi & Shauna whisked her away to Albany.

Noah's Eagle Project

DSC00615 Originally uploaded by Grandma Boren . On June 24th Noah organized a Red Cross blood drive for his Eagle Scout project. It was a great success. 48 pints of blood were donated including one from me.