
Showing posts from October 23, 2006

Guernsey Scarf

Guernsey Scarf , originally uploaded by Grandma Boren . Here is a photo of my latest knitting project (if anyone is interested). It is a guernsey pattern scarf in Lion Brand Fisherman's Wool. It is almost finished. Only one star pattern to go.

Highly Decorated Scout

Highly Decorated Scout , originally uploaded by Grandma Boren . Noah attended a BSA Court of Honor last night where he received two more merit badges-rowing and small boat sailing. He was awarded bronze, gold, and silver palms each representing 5 merit badges past the 21 required for the rank of Eagle Scout making Noah's total 36. His Scoutmaster and troop of boys are surely the best in the world. Many thanks to Bro. Darrin Mellor and the scouts of troop 1333.