
Showing posts from March 29, 2006

Blessed Family

Glenn Murray Boren Originally uploaded by Grandma Boren . Glenn Murray Boren was blessed Sunday by his father, Levi. Murray participated in the blessing along with their Bishop (also named Glen). Glenn's middle name was a surprise for Murray and I was wondering whether he would faint or cry at the announcement. Lucky for Glenn he did the latter.

Glenn Murray Boren

Glenn Murray Boren Originally uploaded by Grandma Boren .

Grandpa & Tut

Grandpa & Tut Originally uploaded by Grandma Boren . Murray was thrilled that Tuttie really "took" to him during our visit to Schenectady. They played lots of games and built Duplo towers (see Levi & Shauna's blog for photos). Tuttie even enjoyed sitting on Grandpa's lap.