Guernsey Scarf

Guernsey Scarf, originally uploaded by Grandma Boren.

Here is a photo of my latest knitting project (if anyone is interested). It is a guernsey pattern scarf in Lion Brand Fisherman's Wool. It is almost finished. Only one star pattern to go.


Levi said…
Whoa, this is freakin' gorgeous! This is amazing! Is it totally hard, like so tedious? Are you having to use any special needles for it, or just straights? Wow, awesome!!!
GraMomBo said…
It is really quite simple. It is just knit and purl stitches that you count so they are in the right place to make the pattern. All you need are straights.
Levi said…
I'm with Shauna on this one; it looks totally hard.

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