
Showing posts from 2007

The Levi Boren Family

1023475442_931b896fa5_b , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . Here are some pictures of Levi, Shauna and the kids.


1022557467_d0d20154f8_b , originally uploaded by GraMomBo .


1022547563_80e322fe88_b , originally uploaded by GraMomBo .

Baby Pose

DSC01123 , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . Jackson tried some "tummy time" today and gave me a classic pose I couldn't resist.

Happy Jack

DSC01121 , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . This is how Jackson looked today when he came over to play.

Homecoming 2007

DSC01119 , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . Noah and his date, Jamie Porter, ready for a fun night of dinner and dancing. The Bruin Buds went to dinner at Golden Corral and then danced the night away at the UVSC Ballroom. You should see Noah dance! He has some moves!

Blessed Boy

DSC01117 , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . Jackson Andrew Funk was given a name a blessing on September 9, 2007. It was a wonderful family event at Miles & Julie's house in Saratoga Springs.


JayBrossman , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . The Orem Owlz won the Poineer League Championship in 16 innings. Jay Brossman, "Marj's boy", was the hero of the day.


DSC01109 , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . Jackson is growing sooooo fast. Isn't he cute?

The Birdcage Effect

DSC01103 , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . Emma started working at Massage Envy again so in the afternoons I get to play with Jackson. He has a hard time relaxing to take a nap so Murray discovered "the birdcage effect". If you swaddle him, and put a cover over his eyes he can fall asleep. Unfortunately, it sometimes works too well. Jackson's mom said I'm not allowed to let him sleep more than two hours at a time or he thinks it's nighttime and doesn't sleep when she gets home. OOPS!

Painting Projects

DSC01095 , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . Murray has been house painting like crazy. I finally asked him to stop for awhile. Luckily the Lyon & Healy gig has him so busy he has. For now.

Murray's Back

DSC01070 , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . Murray had a great time in Indiana at the USA International Harp Competition. He was the American judge on the panel and met many more harp people. The harp world has taken to him so well that Lyon & Healy offered him a job.

Becci Came Back

Becci Came Back , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . Becci Stuver Swinton, our long time friend and Noah's former tutor, came visiting from California today. She flew out to surprise her sister Laura, also a long time friend, tutor, and Noah's Kindergarten teacher. Laura has been fighting cancer for more than a year. I loose track of time it could easily be almost two years. Laura was just released from the hospital where she had been for four weeks. She has had two rounds of chemo/radiation but the cancer is resistant to treatment so surgery was next. This is very sad news but we are very blessed to know the Stuvers and to have Becci come and see us.

Crista McAuliffe Craft Center

DSC01062 , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . This is Riley Bradford (center) and Maycee Kunz (right) making a bead project at day camp. We were lucky this year. We actually got to paddle the rafts before it rained.

Activity Day Camp

DSC01060 , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . Today I took my 8-9 year old activity day girls to day camp at the Jeremiah Johnson Cub Scout Day Camp. They had a space theme where we shot rockets, and learned about astronauts. It was fun but I'm glad we're done. Little girls can sure crank up the decibels.

Camping Again

Camping Again , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . It's easy to see how much Noah has grown the last few years when he's next to the scouts. Noah is the official scout camp mascot. I'm pretty sure this is his fifth scout camp.

Smokin' Hot

Smokin' Hot , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . After his week at Camp K Noah got a haircut and shave. He looked so good I thought I'd share.

Comin' Home From Camp K

Comin' Home From Camp K , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . As you can see Noah is all smiles just like his counselors at Camp K. Noah is holding his camp award-the "sharkbait-ooh ha ha" award because apparently that is what he said most this week. On the way home from camp we stopped at the BSA office and pick up a new uniform for Noah so he will be ready for another week of camping Monday. Lucky guy!

Owlz for the 4th

Owlz for the 4th , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . Enjoying the 4th of July at the Owlz game. Jackson slept through the whole thing. Even the fireworks.

Camp K Check-in

Camp K Check-in , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . Look at that happy face. Noah & I got back from California late Sunday night and he left for Camp K bright and early Monday morning. Camp Kostopulos is a residential Summer camp for children with disabilities. I will be picking him up tomorrow then Monday he goes to Camp Mapledell BSA Camp. Then he has a week off and the fourth week this month he goes to Lake Powell with the Venture Scouts. Nice Summer, huh?

Robinson House

Robinson House , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . This is Noah at his cabin Robinson House with one of his counselors, "Buttercup"

Check Engine

Check Engine.JPG , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . This is not what you want to see in the middle of the Nevada desert. Noah and I traveled to Sacramento, CA for the Alexander Reunion. It was a quick trip and a fun trip. When the light came on Noah & I made it to Sparks, NV rounding up a Jiffy Lube to check the fliud levels. Jiffy Lube had just changed the oil before we left. Well all the oil, etc. was good. We stopped by a garage to do a diagnostic but bless the mechanics heart. He asked where we were coming from, etc. and said it would probably go off when we got back to Utah. Sure enough it did. It was nice of the mechanic not to want to do the tests and save me the money.

Pro Janet

Pro Janet.JPG , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . Friday for the Alexander Reunion we went to Scandia and played miniture golf among other things. Here is Janet showing us all up.

Abby's Big Boy

Abby's Big Boy , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . Janet was in charge of the Alexander Reunion family history program. It was really fun and creative. Go, Janet! We had a living pedigree chart. The funniest part was when little Abby aka Esther Amelia Russell gave "birth" to big Ben (far left) aka Moroni Woodruff Alexander.

Burnin' Up

Burnin' Up , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . This is what happens when you ignore the "check engine" light. I was driving so I missed most of the accident. Both this SUV and a big rig were burning up as we drove home from California.

Happy Funks

Happy Funks , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . Yesterday, Emma, Graydon and Jackson were going to come over for dinner. But Noah had a seizure in the morning and threw up just half an hour before they were to arrive so Murray took dinner over to their house just in case Noah was contagious. Murray didn't want to take pictures but he did it for me. Thanks, Murray!


Em & Jack , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . After the bath Emma and Jackson worked on their language skills. Eye contact is first and foremost. Looks like they've got that down.

Bath Time

Bath Time , originally uploaded by GraMomBo .

Washing the Goobers

Washing the Goobers , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . Here is Jackson getting a sponge bath. He was surprisingly cooperative, even while washing the goobers from his eyes.

Now We Are Six (days old)

6 Days Old , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . Jackson and I spent a fun night watching movies and letting mom sleep. And taking pictures, of course.

Owlz Fans

Owlz Fans , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . Tonight we went to the opening of the Orem Owlz game. We have season tickets next to our good friends, Marj and John Eldard. The Owls is a AAA farm team for the Angels. We had a great time. Until.........

Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . Noah literally "seized the day" at the the Owlz game. We had a great time trying to keep him from lying down after he finished seizing.

Going Home from the Game

Going Home from the Game , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . Noah Goes Home in style. He is riding the Owlz official ATV to the car since he was barely conscious and couldn't walk. It was quite an adventure. The man in the red shirt is Zach the general manager who is driving. Noah is being held on by Murray and the EMT.

Murray Update

Murray does not have a bleeding ulcer. He has diverticulitis. He only lost 1 pint of blood. But as he says, "It looks like a lot when it's all over the floor." He is taking two antibiotics. Cipro and Metro......something. He has to give up all alcohol including vanilla extract mixed in anything not baked, like whipped cream. Apparently, it reacts poorly to the Metro...blah, blah, blah and will make him violently ill. He has until Thursday to feel better or he gets "his cat scanned."

Provo River Restoration Project

Middle Provo River.JPG , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . On the way home from Cascade Springs we stopped by one of the sites for the Provo River Restoration Project. Years ago the Middle Provo River had been "canalized" which has caused problems with some of the flora and fauna of the area. Over the past few years land has been purchased allowing the river to return to it natural coarse.

Cascade Springs

Murray & Noah at Cascade Springs.JPG , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . Tonight we went for a drive on the Alpine Loop up to Cascade Springs. We started through Sundance and came home on an unpaved road near Heber right by Soldier Hollow Olympic Park. It was nice to get out and about. We even saw a 2 point buck coming for water.

Chillin' on Fathers' Day

Home for Fathers' Day , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . The Graydon Funk Family returned home from the hospital today. What a nice Fathers' Day gift. Here are the men of the family chilling together on the couch.

Home for Fathers' Day

Home for Fathers' Day , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . Look at this precious little Jackson. He looks happy to be home. His PKU test was normal but the bilirubin count was boarderline high so he needs it checked again tomorrow. Meanwhile he is enjoying some rest.

Sick on Fathers' Day

Sick on Fathers' Day , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . Poor Murray spent the his Fathers' Day in bed. At this point it looks like Murray is suffering from a bleeding ulcer. I don't think its just anxiety. I think its all the NSAIDS he takes for his arthritis. We almost went to the ER but he wanted to wait and promises to see his doctor first think in the morning.

Sleepy Boy

8 Hours Later , originally uploaded by Grandma Boren .

Happy Mom & Son

8 Hours Later , originally uploaded by Grandma Boren .

8 Hours Later

8 Hours Later , originally uploaded by Grandma Boren . Just eight hours later Jackson is rosy and cute. Emma too.

Welcome Jackson!

The Graydon Funk Family , originally uploaded by Grandma Boren .

Welcome Jackson!

Welcome Jackson! , originally uploaded by Grandma Boren . Jackson arrived this morning at 2:59 AM MDT. He is 6#12oz. I have no idea how long he is but I got to help with the delivery. It was really wonderful. Emma did a great job. She is soooooooo happy to have him out. She was in labor for 32 hours. Thank goodness for epidurals. She was so exhausted I don't think she would have survived in one piece without it. It was a wonderful event. Everyone is happy and healthy. Jackson is a little bruised because he was facing right so he could see me. Dr. Glenn suggested that I get on the floor to see if Jackson would look down. LOL It's a good day.

Welcome Jackson!

Welcome Jackson! , originally uploaded by Grandma Boren .