Machine Guts!

Originally uploaded by Grandma Boren.
Have you ever seen the inside of your washing machine? It's not as exciting as the inside of a computer but it's the best we can do. Our washing machine decided to break down. It has been out of commission for 6 days. (I am now very thankful for this tireless worker.) Anyway, first the repairman thought it was the pump, then it was the timer, and finally he discovered that it was the start capacitor. Well, it's fixed and it will cost less than it would have for a new pump or timer. While he was at it I had him fix the knob on the washer and the timer in the dryer so it moves clockwise again. Hooray! It's just like having a brand new washer and dryer. I am so excited that I actually enjoyed doing the 7 loads of laundry needed to catch up.


Levi said…
After the computer the insides of a washing machine are rather quaint. Still, sure wish I could've been there!

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