"We Trim Our Nails..."

"We Trim Our Nails..."
Originally uploaded by Grandma Boren.
Tuttie received a fingernail trim getting ready for Sunday. You can see how thrilled she is. Levi said it was the easiest time he's had trimming nails in a long time. He attributed it to my being there. I also got credit for a quite Tut while driving in the car. As soon as the novelty of my being around wears off I'm sure the volume will go back up. Tuttie is quite a singer. She is only nineteen months but she can match pitches so well that when she starts to sing you know exactly what song it is even with her jargon for lyrics. Way to go, Tut!

This other photo is going to Church. I wanted you to see the front of their extremely cute tri-plex. Three cheers for Grandpa Knecht for the apartment. It is really great.


theodoreable said…
Great looking house. You can't even tell that Bonzo is due in less than a week. Hope all goes well there.

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