Swimming at Grandma Jackie's

We had a wonderful trip to Sacramento. We arrived on July 30th in Emma's new Elantra. She wanted to show Grandpa her new car and she drove the whole way. Emma's friend, roommate, and traveling companion, Melissa Keil, came with us. This picture is of Emma and Melissa in the pool. That is where they lived. It is a good thing too. The first swim of the vacation was marred by an emergency. The girls took Noah swimming and I was planning to shower when Melissa came in and said Emma needed me. Noah had a seizure and was just swimming in a tight circle. Emma grabbed him and the three of us got his #160 of dead weight out of the pool. As he was coming out of the seizure he took Emma's hand and said, "thank you." She was very touched. Noah slept the rest of the day, which is par for the course. He is trying a new medication. Hopefully it will better control his seizures. Three cheers for those beautiful, cool-headed bathing beauties.


Levi said…
Holy cow. Good job, Emma and Melissa. You knew you were living in the pool for a reason! Hope Noah's new meds will be good and keep the seizures away.

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