Another Aftermath

Another Aftermath
Originally uploaded by Grandma Boren.
Poor Noah! We have been at Timpanogos Hospital this morning. I got a call from school saying that Noah had a seizure in PE class. They were running laps and Noah decided to do one more than usual but towards the end he started walking, then staggering, then moved to the grass and sat down hard. He rolled on to his side and began seizing. The PE teacher didn't realize Noah had a seizure disorder so she didn't know at first what was happening. Luckily, the paramedics work out at the same track at the same time so they were there to help. Then checked his vital signs and were not too pleased so they started an IV and oxygen. Meanwhile, I was on my way to pick Noah up and take him home when and got another call saying they decided to take him to the hospital. I called Murray to let him know what was going on and we all met at the emergency room. They checked Noah out, took a carbamazepine level (it was 12.3, higher than a therapeutic level but not high enough to be a concern). Everything checked out and we took the very sleepy Noah home where he is watching Mulan through closed eyelids.


Levi said…
Holy cow, Noah. Those teachers need to know what's up. I guess it can be kinda hard to describe your medical issues to your teachers when you're autistic. Good thing there were people who knew what to do close by. We're praying for you, kid.

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