Noah Goes to School
Noah started his junior year at Mountain View HS on the 23th of Aug. This year he has two bus drivers. One for "A" days when he goes to ATECH (job skills training where he works at the Bishops' Storehouse bagging potatoes-at least that's what I think he's telling me.) They also did tomatoes one day.) His bus for "B" days takes him right to the HS. Noah had to give up his painting class because he wasn't returning from ATECH in time. Instead he is taking a weight training class. I think he will enjoy it. We'll see. I have done some weight training exercises with Noah at home using dumbells and he seems to like it. Noah has been reading to me every morning while we wait for the bus. It is a lot of fun and he likes the routine. I have a hard time getting him to read to me in the afternoon. Maybe that's because he needs some "down time" after school. We have lost most of his long time tutors to illness, marriage, and school so Noah is now working mainly with Aubrey Jones, the teachers aide at school and a friend from our ward. Aubrey worked with Noah in the summer taking him to
the movies once a week. Now she works with Noah Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. It is great to have her supporting his IEP goals. This week they are working on budgeting. Noah chose a recipe he wants to make (Sand Cups), made a shopping list, then they will make a budget for the required items, shop, check the budget, make the recipe, and enjoy eating. They do this at school, too, but it is really fun to use the skills at home.
PS I've been trying to blog this since Aug 23rd but for some reason it wouldn't post through email like the others. Anyway, here's the scoop on Noah's school at last.
That is some radical stuff Noah is doing! What a great kid! Props, Noah. In a few months we'll have him start making our monthly budgets in Quicken for us, as I never can seem to get that right.