Just CAN'T Get Comfortable

Just CAN'T Get Comfortable
Originally uploaded by Grandma Boren.
Saturday morning at 6 am Noah, Murray and I piled into the Sonata (Yes, now that Emma has her own car she gave ours back) and headed for Idaho Falls to see Grandma Boren (Venola, that is.) On the way to fill up with gas Noah suffered a seizure. It lasted about 3 1/2 minutes and just as we had decided to head for the hospital it stopped. It did put an end to his trip to Idaho. Murray turned the car toward home and Noah promptly fell asleep which is par for the course after a seizure (He slept until 4 pm and then went back to bed at 9pm.) Noah however, couldn't get comfortable until he discovered that he could drape his legs over the front seat (I had moved to the back to hold his head.) When we arrived home I ran to grab the camera. It was a nice laugh after a scary start. By the way, Noah is now 5' 11" and weighs 160. It was quite an adventure getting him out of the car and into the house. I don't have pictures because I was helping Murray.


Levi said…
Whoa! So I guess Noah's okay, then, right? Levi says, "I wanna be five eleven and a hundred and sixty pounds!" Did you guys get very far toward Idaho before Noah had his seizure? That's a bummer that the trip ended early, but we're glad to see Noah in one piece. And that's cool that you got your car back! I can relate to not being able to get comfortable...it reminds me of last November when we drove to Boston and Levi and Tuttie (with her ridiculously wide booster seat) and I were crammed in the far back seat. On the way home, I was so uncomfortable I cried. Noah is more of a trooper than I am!
Levi said…
Okay, that's it...if you guys don't post something new pretty soon, we're going to make an "infrequent bloggers" category on our sidebar, and your link will get moved into it! You'll have to sit in "time out"!

Just kidding. We love you guys.

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