Beautiful Bride

Beautiful Bride.jpg
Originally uploaded by Grandma Boren.
Emma, the beautiful bride, looks so demure on the staircase of the Provo Library. Who would guess that underneath she is wearing a black bra.


Levi said…
For those of us in graduate programs at state schools, what's demure mean?
GraMomBo said…
demure |diˈmyoŏr| adjective ( -murer, -murest) (of a woman or her behavior) reserved, modest, and shy : a demure little wife who sits at home minding the house. • (of clothing) lending such an appearance.
Levi said…
Thanks, I didn't know what it meant, either. I was gonna guess something like, pretty, in a calm, composed sort of way.

This reminds me of another fancy word Levi says funny on purpose: giclee. It's supposed to be zee-CLAY I think, but Levi be's a dork and says GIK-lee. Sounds like he's hocking a loogey almost. Your kid is a nerd, and I married him.

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