I learned from Shauna that several posts were never posted over the last 8 weeks. So here they are.


Levi said…
Holy cow! The blog, she works.
Anonymous said…
and it takes email comments....
Shauna said…
Who's hitekrider?

Hey, we purposely refrained from stealing ALL the pics off your TMobile thingy and only blogged SOME of them so you could blog some other ones if you wanted.

Hey Susan, you said I couldn't wash wool things in the washer, right? What if I wash them on the gentlest cycle there is? Then can I? I don't feel like things are getting clean in the sink for some reason. Not that you don't have 100 other more important things to do than answer my laundry questions!!
Shauna said…
view hallooooooooooooooooo......

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