
Showing posts from January, 2006

Santa Baby

Santa Baby Originally uploaded by Grandma Boren . We had a great Christmas! Even Murray had enough Christmas spirit to let me take his picture! Thanks to all our family and friends for helping to make or holidays "merry and bright". Murray even got something he has "always wanted" a pair of Australian sheepskin slippers. Maybe that's why he's smiling!

The Happy Scout

The Happy Scout Originally uploaded by Grandma Boren . Thought you might like to see a recent photo of Noah. He received his Eagle Scout rank advancement on Nov 13th, 2005. He loves scouting and has grown so much from the experience. Hats off to Noah, Darrin Mellor, his scoutmaster, and all the scouts and leaders of Troop 1333

Emma Graduates

Emma Graduates Originally uploaded by Grandma Boren . On December 22nd, 2005 Emma graduated from the Utah College of Massage Therapy. We are very proud of her. (By the way, she gives a mean massage-especially cranial.) You may notice that she has a big scar on the bridge of her nose. She and several other classmates had a graduation party the night BEFORE graduation. They were racing around in a swimming pool when Emma connected with the edge. Fortunately, the wound is superficial and she won't have the scar for life. She may not feel that this is fortunate since she loves her "battle scars."