
Showing posts from June 17, 2007

Chillin' on Fathers' Day

Home for Fathers' Day , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . The Graydon Funk Family returned home from the hospital today. What a nice Fathers' Day gift. Here are the men of the family chilling together on the couch.

Home for Fathers' Day

Home for Fathers' Day , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . Look at this precious little Jackson. He looks happy to be home. His PKU test was normal but the bilirubin count was boarderline high so he needs it checked again tomorrow. Meanwhile he is enjoying some rest.

Sick on Fathers' Day

Sick on Fathers' Day , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . Poor Murray spent the his Fathers' Day in bed. At this point it looks like Murray is suffering from a bleeding ulcer. I don't think its just anxiety. I think its all the NSAIDS he takes for his arthritis. We almost went to the ER but he wanted to wait and promises to see his doctor first think in the morning.