
Showing posts from May 1, 2006

Moroni & Michelle

Moroni & Michelle Originally uploaded by Grandma Boren . Michelle and Moroni came to see us on their way out of town. We are so happy for them. They are so happy to have found each other. Everyone, including Dennis, is happy. Moroni took Michelle's parents out to dinner to officially ask permission to marry Michelle. Very nice work, Moroni! Moroni is a massage therapist and wants to start his own business in the future. His family lives in Marshing, ID where they have a honey business that produces specialty honey's like Boisenberry Honey, etc. Sounds pretty upscale and yummy. Moroni said that the Boy Scouts in the UT/ID area often sell Henry's Honey (named after Moroni's father who passed away last year). So if you see Henry's Honey give it a try. Congratualtions to the Scott and Besendorfer families.

Hungry Hannah?

Hungry Hannah? Originally uploaded by Grandma Boren . Hannah's eyes were as big as saucers when the waiter brought her nachos supreme. Luckily, she didn't want dessert because the nachos looked just like this when she was finished. The "doggie bag" was a cake box.

Ryan Graduates

Ryan Graduates Originally uploaded by Grandma Boren . Ryan Alexander Scott graduated with a B.S. degree in Neurobiology from BYU last Thursday. His family was here to celebrate. Murray, Noah, and I joined them for a celebratory dinner at Los Hermanos in Lindon. Hannah ordered nachos supreme and didn't even make a dent in them. Ryan and Kellie (along with Stu and Mel aka Amelia) are headed for Spokane, WA. Ryan begins a program in Hospital Admin at Univ. of Eastern Washington in Aug. Jon and Mindy are going to Fallon, NV to live with her parents for the summer. Jon has an internship with the D.A.s office there for the summer. Krista is expecting a new baby in Nov. to make the total 3. The most exciting news is that Michelle is getting married in the Boise Temple on Sept. 9th to Moroni Scott Besendorfer. They are so adorable together. She has found a wonderful partner.