Car Crazy

Car Crazy
Originally uploaded by Grandma Boren.
Emma is "mad" about her car.


Levi said…
Careful, you don't wanna swallow a perfectly good set of keys. ;-) Susan, are you ready for the obsessive compulsive comment of the day from your favorite daughter-in-law? I think that apostrophe in "boren's place" is supposed to be after the "s" cuz there's more than one Boren, unless you are referring to yourself as "boren," like a basketball player, and it's your "place," in which case leave the apostrophe right where it is. *wink* Or you could change it to be really awesome-ghetto-fabulous: "bOrEnZ' pLaCe". Oh yeah!
Anonymous said…
Borens is more than one. Boren's is possessive. Borens' is Possessive for Borens...
Anonymous said…
Whoops...hitekrider is me... I sit next to you in church!

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