Careful, you don't wanna swallow a perfectly good set of keys. ;-) Susan, are you ready for the obsessive compulsive comment of the day from your favorite daughter-in-law? I think that apostrophe in "boren's place" is supposed to be after the "s" cuz there's more than one Boren, unless you are referring to yourself as "boren," like a basketball player, and it's your "place," in which case leave the apostrophe right where it is. *wink* Or you could change it to be really awesome-ghetto-fabulous: "bOrEnZ' pLaCe". Oh yeah!
Anonymous said…
Borens is more than one. Boren's is possessive. Borens' is Possessive for Borens...
Anonymous said…
Whoops...hitekrider is me... I sit next to you in church!
DSC01270 , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . Noah and Adam have been working on "Frosty" for several days now-packing the snow, watering it so it would hold, etc. They finished building him today and topped him off with a proper hat that Noah picked out from the Kara Chocolates store. It was filled with yummy peanut butter snowman and chocolate marshmallow oreo cookies. We finished the cookies just in time for "Frosty" to be finished-ready and waiting to come to life.
Check Engine.JPG , originally uploaded by GraMomBo . This is not what you want to see in the middle of the Nevada desert. Noah and I traveled to Sacramento, CA for the Alexander Reunion. It was a quick trip and a fun trip. When the light came on Noah & I made it to Sparks, NV rounding up a Jiffy Lube to check the fliud levels. Jiffy Lube had just changed the oil before we left. Well all the oil, etc. was good. We stopped by a garage to do a diagnostic but bless the mechanics heart. He asked where we were coming from, etc. and said it would probably go off when we got back to Utah. Sure enough it did. It was nice of the mechanic not to want to do the tests and save me the money.